Monday, January 31, 2011
Severe Headaches 38 Week
Munich (press releases) - An unusually versatile artist is presented with the Internet address convincing sample of his work before: the graphic designer Jürgen Fiege from Munich. The services provided by Jürgen Fiege Design "includes the successful design of software, websites, DVD and CD-ROM, corporate identity, exhibitions, plans and materials. Agencies also due to holidays, illness or training are possible.
the Internet addresses and find featured e-books with information about illustration and layout. Anyone planning beautifully designed printed materials (flyers, brochures, postcards, business cards), other virtual objects or products thereof, with Jürgen Fiege on the safe side!
And that says Jürgen Fiege about:
Jürgen Fiege "On the border" as a dialogue
Any calligraphy "calligraphy" was a conversation with myself, with my situation, things, ideas and events me busy. Each "calligraphy" will a conversation with her viewer - a dialogue. It makes sense for me to talk about something that you can see on first glance, about thoughts, about fascinations. . . I will not speak of a landscape, but about what I feel when I stand in this landscape. I want to talk about something I have no words.
A photograph captures the moment of an optical event, and I will capture the moment of an emotional, mental, spiritual state. Any calligraphy can open a door to other ideas, alternatives, thinking of other things. Subversive is to show that there is something else.
I use an old technique to challenge ways of seeing and thinking. My thoughts get through the brush a body.
On my Pinselweg, in search of truth, reality, life, reason and autonomy, I enter border areas. This is where truth and lies, people and animals, war and peace, man and wife, parent and child, chaos and order. I busied myself with the language of human bodies to get to understand them. I created characters to express it to you to tell me to find a different language. I am fascinated by Chinese characters that can express myself for more than a deputy to be for spoken word. I am fascinated by graffiti on the walls, not because an established company is excited about it, but because I recognize the fact language. I am fascinated by dance as a deliberate body language.
If you have no more language, you have to develop, to see for themselves.
Jürgen Fiege
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Nadia Bjorlin Upskirt Wallpapers
to lie flat a week and soak bedding I'm back among the living and will get back to you - without any outfit fotos ( shame on these sunbeams out there) but with a beautiful cover. I think I'm a fan.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Music Liscence For Market Stall
Walter-Jörg Langbein Machu Pichhu
interview with author Walter-Jörg Langbein
Question: Mr. Langbein, recently you have been in the television show "World of Wonders" questioned on biblical errors. Is the critical use of the Bible, the focus of your publications?
Answer: The focus is not there. Appeared 32 years ago my first book, "astronaut gods." Meanwhile I have my 30. Nonfiction submitted: "2012 -" Miracles and a new beginning / The Message of the Mayas. So I plow a wide range ...
question: are books on the topic "2012" there are many ... What makes your book different?
Answer: It is already a number of works to the ominous year 2012 has been thrown on the market. And yet some works will follow. I fear that most of these titles will be gone by 2013 into oblivion ... as is done with books about the supposed doomsday 1999th
My book evokes no doomsday ahead of an allegedly by the Mayans predicted the exact date. I am convinced that the Mayans have left a real message ...
devoted 32 years ago, my first book the "dänikenschen gods" who came from space to Earth. In my 30th Book I return - after a few mostly theological works - back to my roots. And while I look toward the future.
question: will go under the world do you think 2012?
Answer: I am firmly convinced of it: Our planet is threatened by the apocalyptic disaster that can always befall our little world. The exact date we do not know. He was also the Maya unknown.
It is an important decision: Do we accept that at some point all life is extinguished on Terra? Do we accept that the man should be less than a small footnote in the history of the universe? Or do we want that the earthly life continues? If we choose the second alternative, then we must act as quickly as possible. We have to drive space exploration, space travel massively ahead. We have already possible to begin to develop giant space arks can take place with those of the next exodus out into the depths of space ... while life goes on Earth!
Question: So you think 2012 means not the end of humanity?
Answer: The Mayans were the rumbling of the volcano in eastern Ilopango Salvador around the year 250 AD to escape in time. The disaster accelerated the development of their culture significantly. When it comes to the outbreak of the super volcano under the "Yellowstone National Park" comes, there will then escape for millions of people at risk? Many Mayans were able to escape in time of the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse of American super volcano, but will catch up with fleeing on foot with ease in an inferno that will cover the whole continent. There
Cyclic occurring disasters it for hundreds of millions of years. Cyclic repeats the story of life: not only on Earth but throughout the cosmos!
* Question: Do you combine Mayan knowledge of the future with the "Astronaut Gods" of humanity ...
Answer: Yes! In the distant past were gigantic "space bikes" from space to Earth. Alien beings traveled to earth in shuttles. Whether their apparent omnipotence, they were immortalized in epics and myths of ancient peoples as "gods". If you believe the great religions of the world, then there were these astronauts gods that initiated life on planet Earth. They were the first people - as a scientific experiment.
Many thousands of people began to conquer planet Earth. They explored the first closer home, it's own country. Finally, they explored their own continent and crossed mountains and seas. Eventually, all countries were explored, traveled all the rivers, the seas explored, climbed all the mountains. In our days the first humans left Planet Earth. They visited the moon. Soon people will return to the moon. Soon be heading off to Mars.
* Question: What is your opinion, the knowledge of the Mayans to the future of mankind?
Answer: I would venture a prediction! Eventually it will come about, that our people Leave the solar system: once as the "astronaut gods" for thousands of years of deep space to Earth came.
be some point gigantic spacecraft to orbit rotating around its own axis, the earth like giant satellites. Then they will leave our solar system, passing through the cosmos. There will be separate worlds, follow where generation after generation. People are the pioneers in a long-running travel space.
If my prediction too bold? Why should people dare to step into the unknown of the future? As the scientific curiosity of the people can always overcome new frontiers, including the border into space! We are in this limit to cross! And there's a reason: Because there are on planet Earth as on any other world in the universe, a generally applicable law.
* Question: A general law ...?
Answer: There is no law in book ... and is still followed. No one has written on tablets of clay or PC programs. And yet it is the law of the universe, obey the elementary as well as humans. Everything obeys the law of expansion. The most primitive animals such as the galaxy, all striving for expansion.
once - ten to twenty billion years - the entire universe was compressed to a point. With the Big Bang, it is expanded. It extended own initiative. New this view is not. In ancient
offers covering the ancient Chinese mythology an amazing exactly accurate description of the universe before the Big Bang. In the age-old language of mythology is expressed, what the modern science of the Big Bang, no less mythological formulated: "In the beginning was the great cosmic egg. In the egg was chaos, and chaos hovered P'an Ku, non-developed, the divine embryo. P'an Ku and burst forth from the egg. "
This law also followed some 300 million years ago now lurchähnliche inhabitants of the seas. They left the familiar, pleasant living environment of water. They crawled out of paradise ans - in their view, hostile - dry land. Why? Was there a run on the sea shore? Probably not, because life in the new environment was still more dangerous than in the familiar surroundings!
question: Is not this pure speculation?
Answer: No way! Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (1913-2008) was a renowned nuclear, electrical engineering and rocket scientists. The German-born immigrant to the USA, became an American citizen. At NASA he was "Associate Director for Science." Dr. Stuhlinger, "We know from observations on Earth, that living organisms, once they are available, all possible Opportunity to exploit, develop, adapt to spread. "Life was just wide. An inner compulsion next?
The original forms of life lived in the oceans. Were it not for the urge to transcend all boundaries ... would be a "country living things man" never emerged. Our Vorvorfahren lived in the water. They breathed with gills, not lungs. The ideal setting of our Urururahnen was water. And yet they slowly conquered the country. They had to give up a paradise in order to survive in hell. Instead of floating weightless in the water, they had to slow plod on land. Heat scorched them the skin, cold beat biting wounds. Deadly dangers lurking, it was not in the aquatic environment, and yet, the step from the usual marine habitat occurred on land.
had this urge Without the expansion, not the oldest form of life exposed to the new threats of the countryside. But then would never crabs, birds and mammals arose. Then life would have remained in the water. Sun exhausting this move was, he not only brought disadvantages. A whole new world opened up to for life. Found the animal "pioneers" who were crawling on land, such a thing as happiness? Did they have the freedom of choice? Or are they forced the law of expansion to the new world of drought to conquer? As hundreds of millions of years life out of the sea came ashore, the man will leave Planet Earth and the seemingly endless "sea" to penetrate the universe.
The earth is our cradle. But who would want to endure in the baby stage? We humans can not stay in the cradle. We will leave it. Our home is not in the center of the universe. It is an insignificant "an unimportant planet in the solar system," the edge of the universe. The order of the expansion will force us, as far as possible to penetrate into infinity. On board of giant space cities to explore the life of the earth ... All the even if it takes forever.
question: The law of expansion do you see as universal?
Answer: Exactly. It is my belief after all. Not only do we urge people to follow this expansion. In other words, space is a natural developmental stage of life. Dr. Stuhlinger, "Will the people also run space alien? . - Without a doubt, once they are in their technical development progressed far enough, "
* Question: Do you develop a picture of the future ...
Answer: It is ... Some day be descendants of people who left once in huge space cities the earth to reach other planets. What will they do? It depends on the conditions prevailing on other worlds. Maybe they will "create to" dead worlds the conditions for life. Maybe they will create primitive life. Maybe they will make intelligent primitive life ... and remembered as creator gods from space in the myths and sacred texts of the far-off worlds. Your creatures are themselves as "children of the gods." Eventually, the gods, their ancestors came from the earth will continue to travel through space. And at some point the "children of the gods" to their home planet have explored ... and want to follow the "gods" from outer space in the universe!
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Oberth was convinced that any intelligence will eventually operate space travel. The father of space travel ("man in space," p. 301): "Because that's the goal: to conquer up to life every place where there are and can continue to grow, to enliven any inanimate world and each make living meaningful. "
began in ancient times a giant cycle time on planet Earth when life left in the most primitive form of the seas and walked on land. The next time cycle, with the exodus of life - start to space ... - human, animal, plant in giant space arks ... if we wish. The choice is ours: continuation of life in space ... or the end of all life on planet Earth at some point. And can "this" sometime occur very much earlier than even pessimists feared.
Question: And you? If you are more pessimistic?
Answer: I am an optimist but I believe in the future of life in space! I hope that join together the leading nations of our planet and develop the technology that leads us into space. The common search for the way into space can for the first time create a real community on the planet ... We can and must recognize us as one people!
Langbein, Walter-Jörg: "2012 - end and new beginning: The Message of the Mayas", Munich 2009
order to: http: / /
Oberth, Hermann: "People in Space - New projects for missiles and space", Dusseldorf 1954
Stuhlinger, Ernst: "If Earth from alien astronauts visited? "in Khuon, Ernst von:" Were the gods astronauts, "Dusseldorf, January 1971, p. are 36-47
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Concrete Bath Tub Cost
the underwater images are less spectacular than I hoped for - I am even slightly disappointed. the reason is that you really really close to the fischis must go, and no 10meter should keep a safe distance. So angsthasen I should give a better underwater camera to people who do not have anxiety before nemo fish;)
I had the camera will use more than water, but I wanted to save pictures ... for the fish ..
so here are a couple of my "good" camera:
all true! of course ... or you did not know that LV and produce things miu miu leather art?
that's it! with even more photos of nerve, I do not you - thank you for the patience and happy wanderlust.
me finally has the band live started and so we play on the weekend of our first shows in 2011:
Friday in Schwarzer Adler Tannheim Egelsee
Saturday in Roxy in Ulm
if you have come by bock , you! I'm happy! we also give away 2x2 guest list places for the two shows. an email to: Send!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 View / - Axis
press release EBOZON
support new media projects by companies and private patrons increasingly popular
For entrepreneurs, sponsors and private supporters of new projects is now a German on the space is still rather unknown form of support for media projects. Crowd funding for creative projects and more democracy in the arts and culture is the motto here. Creative financing together.
What exactly Crowdfunding?
The so-called Crowd Funding can Starter (artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, photographers, writers, journalists, ...) their projects by many individuals can finance. In return, get the supporters (fans, friends, acquaintances, family, companies and sponsors) of the unique starter Thanks, such as signed copies of books or their names mentioned in the book can be up close and in the development of a project there. Companies use the Crowd Funding for its cultural sponsorship and CSR marketing.
which projects should be supported?
As a young publisher with a motivated team Ebozon in 2009 went to the start. In the publication of new book projects of freelance writers and publishers, the publisher with the portal Ebozon the book market of digital books, known as eBooks, successfully shaping.
Now the publication of the publishing program goes to the issue of print versions in a new round. News currently eight print-ready tracks from different authors are in the wings. In this case, the publisher in advance for costs such as editing, proofreading, cover design through to print-ready document was created and financed in advance. To realize the implementation of printing, sales and marketing, the publisher is now a new and innovative way of financing. Namely that of the Crowd Funding.
launches first project of publishing his new financial book "How to become a Millionaire." The prize of € 2,600 is now up to 03.15.2011 from Owner and supporters of the independent and are collected on Crowdfunding oriented portal
The publisher hopes to see many many supporters and sponsors. Who would like to get involved in the project with or support this, together with all other information and options on the dedicated website with:
companies that are independent of To bring Crowdfunding in the book project with a promotional circuit, can someone directly to the Publisher for the request corresponding media data related . Share
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Switching From Loestrin 24 To Microgestin
before you post the last of my beach pictures (still waiting on the underwater images), see, here's a song that SLOW replaced as favorite song by Kylie Minogue has.
I love how versatile is kylie and how you make each character without difficulty decreases, and even though they only make up with. get
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pain In Left Shoulder Heart Palpitations
perfect for just about anything, after I move me because of my flat shoes, I had NEVER would have thought that I was ever in a flat leather cords can fall shoe so incredible. Unfortunately, vintage, but Shemon
the "Italians" in the pyramid-land - that was anything but Italian, but the decor was beautiful. as well as my Christmas present on the lips: lady gaga fandom = LOVE
snack in the afternoon
tourist pictures;)
pferdchenreiten in the desert or in the sand once sunset and back - typical touristy but great:)
I have never read such a thick book so quickly and was almost sad when I was at the end. so so so good!
you want to see more pictures?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Label Parts Of The House Pdf
Wiesbaden (press releases) - If an account with "Twitter" - - has, like most possible have many followers, take their tweets and maybe even read. Experience shows that follow a but if one is not exactly a super-celebrity, only an estimated one-third of the people you follow yourself. So you will eventually not many people garzu follows that do not follow one, you can take the help of to complete. There, only adds to his Twitter name - such as ancient - into a search box, then click Submit and provides an overview in a short time, showing who does not follow one at Twitter. This non-followers can then delete one by one. This may in some cases, however, take a long time ...
Suffocation T *** 1 Lotta Topp
it took a bit longer until I was again really arrived in Mannheim. The holiday was beautiful and very recovering, although I was a souvenir "Montezuma's Revenge" accompanied the flight back from so far. so I hope I have the worst flight of my life already behind me:) I love pictures
the hundreds, the videos and my full bikini stark impression to look at. I also give Today 2 underwater cameras for development from - you you can look forward to including snorkeling pictures with Nemo & co.
the way I have NEVER seen such beautiful water like the first picture - I was firmly convinced that in the winter never so beautiful, clear water and white beach there. also the fear that it would not warm enough was unfounded ....
makes sun holiday in January - I can only recommend to you:)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Vera Bradley Outlet Pa 19086
Wiesbaden (press releases) - "Reading a book" The authors of a book Find machine have constructed, with which one can detect interesting reading. This useful service is under the address on the Internet.
First you will be asked if you are looking for a children's book or an adult book. In an adult book, for example, you can choose from fiction, biographies or nonfiction. If you decide then for biography, you make a choice between experience report or history. If you now click on one of these two terms, appears appropriate and may order this book tip works the same.
And the inventors say this book search engine about:
About 100,000 new books per year in Germany alone, the reader imagine the agony of choice, and he wonders: Yes, I think for now the book that fits me? "Read a book!" We
of us have thought about this, and the result of our considerations is the book Find machine. Click on each page of each best answer, then leads you to the book machine Find the right book for you from our range of our partners and the authors. "Read a book!" Wishes
Have fun your team
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Beginnerjunior Tennis Racquets Graphite
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Best Drugstore Primer 2010
Hamburg (press releases) - On the web page worth reading "Twitter Training - The Best Twitter Guide" with the Internet address is one of the best Twitter informed. It covers the following topics:
What is Twitter?
Twitter Profile Add
Important initial settings
The first Tweets
What is the Followfriday?
security on Twitter
What is an @ reply? What is a
The name "Twitter" comes from English to German and means "singing". This free service is available at the Internet address and also available in German language.
on "Twitter" Leave people free short text messages (tweets) from the PC or mobile phone. Every single entry to 140 characters (including spaces between words) limited. Each text can be added to links.
"Twitter" you can use for business or pleasure. Many self-employed or companies publish more or less regularly advertising with "Twitter". Thanks to "Twitter" messages will be spread worldwide in no time.
example of an account with "Twitter":
Friday, January 14, 2011
I Want To Send A Letter To Jay-z
Saar loop at Orscholz, Germany 2010
I wish all our readers a Happy New Year 2011! I hope that this coming year will hold many wonderful photo opportunities for us.
Here also the review promised in the last photo that is with a neutral density filter emerged. Apart from the polarizing , about whom I have spoken briefly in the last post, this is the only filter that I use from time to time. This has the simple reason that you can adjust the effect of the neutral density filter is not until later in the software.
The neutral density filter is used, a portion of the image (usually the sky) to the extent to darken that are exposed at the correct exposure of other landscape in the bright lights of the picture is not complete. In my photo of the Saar loop of the sky would have been over-exposed without mercy, even though it was cloudy, as the range of contrast between the dark green of the trees and the sunlight in the clouds would be too large have been, this would probably be able to cope no camera. With the neutral density filter, but I could darken the sky go far enough, as I have kept the filter with your hand in front of the lens. And I had to look a little bit, that the limit of the gray gradient was approximately on the horizon. In the post- I had then did not really do anything, only slight contrast adjustments, particularly to the structure of the clouds still a bit of work to clear out.
way I use a Cokin filter in the strength of ND4, 121M Gradual Grey. He is indeed plastic, but he did just fine. I do not have a filter holder and use the filter easily accessible, as I consider him with his hand. It is as always with me the motto: "Keep it simple!" As I said, you need the filter not so often, but sometimes low sun or other strong light-dark contrast on a straight line, he is helpful.
I think you should use the filter also not be exaggerated. Polarizer and neutral density filters are two filters that help me to give the impression to a picture again, I had even when viewing the scene. I find it less desirable, if filters are used to alienate a motive, or just to achieve a great effect. Some photographers do this with any of gradient filters, which may even pretend a beautiful sunset, although the mood light on the ground not the were delivered. That's for me the other key demand: "Tell the truth!" Either you shoot, you should pretend you with his photos, not something that was not in the reality there, or you work artistically with his photos, but then one should say quite clear to the fact that it is art that has nothing to do with reality. So, let us not exaggerate with the photography. Crucial for a successful photo is also something else, as you have all expressed so clearly in my last poll . I agree with the result absolutely. It's time for a poll, and that will come soon. Moreover, soon followed by a review to discuss in which my colleagues Harry and Mark about Mark articles on the standard zoom lens for MFT cameras, and Harry has this very interesting details about his professional knowledge of Olympus to report and Panasonic lenses.
Stay tuned for more ... And always remember: Take photos. Keep it simple. Tell the truth.
Stage 8 Prostate Cancer
Ellwangen (press releases) - Due to popular demand - in six months, around 6,000 visitors are recorded - the exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen" of the Ellwanger Alamanni Museum to 23 Extended in October 2011. Thus it forms the framework for the tenth anniversary of the museum, with a hard weekend on 10/11. is celebrated in September 2011.
The possibility for this generous extension, as museum director Andreas stresses Well, thanks to the cooperation of the lenders of the exhibition, which are to separate for another nine months of their high-profile loans available. This particularly includes the State Museum Württemberg in Stuttgart, the Archaeological Museum of Baden-Württemberg in Konstanz, the State Conservation Office for the local council and the city of Stuttgart Heidenheim.
so far largest exhibition of the Alamanni Museum offers spectacular archaeological finds a comprehensive overview of the Alemannic settlement in the area between Ellwangen and Nördlingen and the Danube between Ulm and Dillingen. This area was not settled in time Alamannic only particularly tight, but shows the following tree coffin discovery of Zöbingen in 1161 and excavated from 1876 finds grave of Pole home the longest tradition of research in the area on Alamanni. Focus of previous mediation work of the museum were the Alamanni findings from the ten kilometers away Lauchheim, where from 1986 to 2005 an unexpected archaeological treasure, namely the legacy the largest Alamanni cemetery in Baden-Württemberg was recovered along with the associated Alamanni settlement with other valuable grave finds, including
The exhibition is essentially a representation of the Alamanni in Ostalbkreis and district Heidenheim, which are combined in the 1970s to the region of East Württemberg. The highlights include the finds from the graves of riders Niederstotzingen in the district of Heidenheim, which are first seen in their region of origin. Since then, the exhibition includes
the period from the late Roman period to the beginning Carolingian period, of 3 to the 8th Century. Particularly the phenomenon known as striking as the number of cemeteries Grave custom for nearly 300 years in many parts of Central Europe can be in many places in the follow-treated area. Its end coincides with the construction of the first Christian churches.
The exhibition is presented in two parts in the Alamanni Museum, with a first part in the exhibition room on the 1st Floor and a second part in the western half of the attic. For this purpose a part of the permanent exhibition degraded. The preparation of the exhibition concept was performed in close coordination with the existing scientific advisory board since 2004, the Alamanni Museum. The range of about 400 found objects exhibited, mostly grave finds ranges from the delicate golden hairpins to long sword, from clothing to Alamannic dead tree.
At the exhibition a 192-page, richly illustrated companion volume in the series "Archaeological information from Baden-Württemberg" has appeared, which was issued by the State Conservation Office, together with the city Ellwangen and acquired Alamannenmuseum for 7,90 € can be. Guided tours can be arranged by calling the telephone number 07961/969747, public tours, in which only the usual admission is paid, take place every first Sunday of the month at 15.00 clock instead.
Public tours:....... 6.2, 6.3, 3.4, 1.5, 5.6, 3.7, 7.8, 4.9. 02.10.2011 and by 15 clock.
26.6.2010-23.10.2011 (extended)
special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen"
Alamannenmuseum Ellwangen
Haller Straße 9 73479 Ellwangen
Phone +49 7961 969 747 Fax +49 7961
969 749
opening times: Tuesday to Friday
: 10-12.30 and 14-17 Clock
Saturday and Sunday: 10-17 Monday except
Clock public holidays: closed
Admission: 3.00 euros, reduced 2.00 euros, 7.00 euros families