Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Does Follandp Mean

love and death

Two images of the Glass House Mountains, Australia 2004

Many artists the theory that there are only two major issues that we can deal seriously, love and death. All other issues are just variations of these two or are used to to distract from the inevitability of death, or the lack of fulfillment in love. I agree with this view wholeheartedly.

was drastically apparent to me two weeks ago, when before my eyes a dramatic event took place in which it was about one second to another without warning, life and death. The consequences of this process will also mean that I was missing until now is the time and energy to write here in my blog a new post. The following will happen is: During a meeting bagged one of my colleagues suddenly without previous signs in his chair together. He was not responding and even stopped breathing. Of course we have other Present immediately notified by phone the ambulance and started with the usual first aid measures, including the resuscitation of respiratory and cardiac massage.

a thought that not only came to me, but also colleagues in the head, as it later turned out was in conversation, like this: "If I could also end up like this?" Or: "When is it with me so far?" Or: "Take care of myself well for myself, what risk factors do I have?" The suspicion of a heart attack was natural, and he confirmed it later. After several days of coma colleague regaining consciousness, but has engine misfire, which need to be further investigated. When we had him out in the course of the first measures on the ground, but he had on his face looked as gray and lifeless, that we all thought that was it for him now that does not come back. I realized that we all live mostly as if there would be no death, as it would always go up, we would still have time to make up what we might move today, because we think we would have first had succeed at work, do something to earn money and then we would have eventually saved enough perhaps, would eventually ascended far enough, and then we could make it a little more quiet. Or do we move the important things as to family, friends and their own health and relaxation for the weekend or even on the next vacation, because at the weekend but then comes back as an important date in between.

If we admit to ourselves but that we must die, that we do not know when that will be and run as it is, then suddenly the time is precious, and some things are at once completely unimportant, that we thought just yet we do or they would necessarily have. Love and death. More is not important. We waste time on the computer and write on the Internet, tweets and blogs because we are actually looking for life and love, for attention and affirmation. We buy gadgets, mobile phones and cameras, because we have something to do when we can hold on us that gives us distraction and (pseudo) communications in order to deceive our sometimes rather meaningless activities and our times, very unsatisfactory existence of time. I wonder: What really makes me inwardly rich and full? Power? Money? Possession? A new camera? Certainly not, such things make life easier and make it more comfortable, but they make so sick like cotton candy ... An impressive natural experience? A close personal encounter? A good friend? Family and true love? These are the issues that bring real vitality for me, and far too often in everyday life recede into the background.

And then where does

into photography? It is also only the totally inept attempt to capture something that can not hold itself: the beautiful moment, the fleeting moment, the fleeting memory. But we are human, we try the impossible, and that is actually behind the whole photography. But if we overdo it and no longer free for new experiences, then it is like in the second picture of this post, in which the strangler fig tree the tree that serves as its host, slowly suffocated. It takes years, and survived the strangler fig either alone, but it remains empty, hollow inside, so you can see through, for the tree inside died and decayed. The strangler fig is left alone and must be yes in the end die.

And how will I spend my time on this earth yet? I will also be old, like the painter to bring in the photo above, and my last years trying to make beautiful photos and to travel the world and to enjoy life? Or I will push the true life long before me, I do not usually good enough to collect many risk factors and die long before the average life expectancy of some disease or a heart attack? Who knows, but I got it after all in our hands to change something, maybe more "real" life instead of the "virtual" on the Internet, perhaps less work and more friends and family, maybe less excitement and stress, and more conscious relaxation and slow travel. And maybe sometimes more and sometimes less photography? Who knows?

Ask yourself: What are your priorities in life? What is important for you? Do not live as if you would never die. Do what you really want to do. Take photos, give your beloved ones a hug. Do it right now. Carpe diem.


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