Saturday, April 24, 2010
How To Get Rid Of A Split Lip
How was that? First, it is different and as you think!
After I've drawn on Wednesday in a university course is a sport adductor strain, I have to cancel my participation in the web running in Saalfeld. That annoys me but really ...
With the injury itself, I probably had more luck if everything checks out, I can run again on Wednesday ... Thanks to the consumption from an estimated 5m Kinesiotape which are now also my thigh, but at least I can go swimming and a little wheel. But overall is already annoying, because the season is indeed quasi already in the wings.
Well, thank God it was quiet week, as has been dropped not so much training.
Shit happens. In this sense,
Monday, April 19, 2010
Highland Dancing Outfit Sale
Two weeks ago the new semester started and is now after learning the standard relaxing vacation, the more mental work again at the center. My schedule is not as filled as in the winter semester, but I try my best for the study of history required Latin. This means that the available gaps in the schedule to satisfy the learning of vocabulary and grammar and translations need to be used ... Sporty
ran the last few weeks pretty well. After I recovered from the training camp, I was in the past three weeks to set a proper training block. And because of Easter in the university has not been going on, I completed a large part of the training at home in the Saxony state legislature and the city Königsee forest on foot, or the one time or another infested with mountain biking. I really enjoyed it but again my regular training routes in and around Königsee around use ...
for the units I was able to swim again, as usual, to use the favorable conditions in SAALEMAXX Rudolstadt. I also believe that I could make good progress in the basin. At least I have the stopwatch time to time ...;-) claims
table runner I was able to implement all requirements of trainers and so are here again become a number of kilometers. Where even here, as in swimming, at the permissive units were a few bright spots ...
On Easter Saturday I am also started at Kulmberglauf in Saalfeld. The result was outstanding with 6th place and a running time of 58.31min 15km although not on the training purpose as a rapid continuous run there but my participation has more than fulfilled ...;-) At least I know now, but again why the term "KulmBERGlauf" is : between 2.5 and 7 km, it was almost 300Höhenmeter up the mountain. Painful experience! I was no longer safe in the meantime, whether to go would have been faster ...;-)
a second round of competition I have, together with our Austrian Ironman Pro Hubert made. Thursday was the last pair of running here in Jena. 30 minutes it was alternately over the 400m stadium round. Overall, we are third been stopped by the coach and the lap times were quite promising ...
Now it's in the next few days but for now again, "put your legs" and have the training can be. But is also really necessary, because in the last few days I have been ironed real.
On Saturday I will start in Saalfeld in the opening track over 5000m. We'll see what I get there on the series and whether the training has worked.
until the next response, I remain with a fresh and cheerful
Cheers ...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Letter Of Introduction Real Estate Agent
highway tunnel between Messina and Cefalu, Sicily 2005
If you would like movements are in pictures, that's really just using longer exposure times. This technical resources you can also make photos that are rewarded not by fleeting glance. During that rainy night in December I had on my passenger seat actually feel "Fall through" the tunnel, which I tried to hold on my photo, also the rapid period and the uncertainty of what to expect. There were about 30 pictures needed to get this one, what makes me happy, even though in retrospect I still see potential for improvement. THUS, for example, the street and the white lines on the asphalt can be shown a little sharper.
was taken with what the image EXIF data, you can always look like with the appropriate plug-in (see also my last post ). The noise of my Nikon D70 would have been less secure when I did at a lower ISO number and would have photographed it with a more open aperture. But now I've got four more years of experience with digital photography, now I know better finally. Well that in those more color and graphic images acting, the 100% view on the screen is really essential ...
The second current appearance dates back to a suggestion that I got from the book "Digital Nature Photography in Practice" by Fritz Pölking , who unfortunately died already. Almost a must-read for all photographers, not only for nature lovers as Pölking shows the main points you must observe these days in digital photography. And it shows also indicate what is not important, its full page printed photos, taken with different cameras and different resolutions, speak for themselves! His reviews and travel tips and of course his wonderful photographs of animals are a delight in this book. His workshop reports on the website are worth a read.
The inspiration was a picture of insects that had been taken with a longer exposure time. That's what I remembered when I was sitting in the summer of 2009 in the Etosha National Park in Namibia at a water hole and annoyed me, as it slowly but surely was too dark to take pictures. The black rhino but made not so much here, and I wanted to pack away the camera on, when I noticed the insects that buzzed around a water hole on established small headlights. I took five pictures, then this was in the can. Nothing really earth shattering, but a beautiful reproduction of observation, you can do every summer evening near bright light sources. But by illuminating the curved lines will also get a graphical picture of this quality, and here I especially like the smoke, which are illuminated by the lamp outside the neck, and of course come from the fact that burn repeatedly insects on the hot bulb. So also is the transience is back Part of the statement of death in the pursuit of light and heat.
Most of my favorite photos, however, are clear and sharp and rather conventional. These are the exceptions. Sometimes it's fun to experiment and take pictures of blurry movements. But in my opinion it is in the process especially important to have a clear idea of the meaning of the picture and then also have to present, for otherwise the slow shutter speed degenerates into a mere gimmick or technical showmanship. But good art is what pleases. We leave it at that.
PS: The excitement is because I still have a new camera and a new lens to test here and will soon report on it. But only when I have collected enough experience with it!
Life's too short for counting pixels. Go out and take exciting pictures, freeze your vision of the world around us in your very own photographs. Time is ticking away ...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Dehydration And Puffy Hands
Along the way in the Gorges du Caramy, France 2009
look for me out of these colors of spring. But it was not spring, when I took the picture, as you can see from the EXIF data in the photo. I had already described in a previous post how to visualize using a plugin in the Firefox web browser, the EXIF information are still present in almost every picture, unless the image processing software has removed the information from the photo. For many interested parties arising from the EXIF data useful references, for example, the camera used, the lens used, focal length and exposure settings used.
Unfortunately, for the latest updates for Firefox (which you should definitely make for security reasons!) Recommended by me EXIF viewer plugin no longer. But no problem: There is an alternative, the FxIF plugin . This works for me perfectly even in the latest version of Firefox, there are as usual right-click and then by selecting "Exif Data" menu in a beautifully concise window displays the hard facts about the photo. You have to get used only to ensure that this entry in the context menu is near the bottom.
Unless you change the photo on this post, makes you see that this is a recording from last autumn. But as I said, for me these colors to hopefully very soon, in the spring weather again visible.
That's it for now. Stay tuned for more photos soon, news and reviews that I'll post very. Just as a teaser: I've bought a new lens and a new camera ...