Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Funky Shower Curtains

Action: A Gift for Your Best Shot!

At the campsite in Jasper, Canada 2006

So, now I've actually already extended the survey ended right at the top of the page again. I would like to ask once all to participate! Thank you. At the same today launched a special campaign for the readers of my blog, when you can get a little gift from me. But for later in this post more information ...

, I would like to present you one of my favorite pictures from Canada. It was created at that time with my beloved Nikon D70 and the Super Zoom Nikkor 18-200mm VR. We sat in the evening before our motor home, when suddenly some deer grazed within a few meters past us on the sprawling campsite. Of course, I immediately grabbed my camera and followed them carefully and in a reasonable distance. However, I was also a photo in mind that I wanted to do like: A single deer, which looks at the viewer directly, and the wonderfully contrasting stands out with his red coat against the deep green of the forest. But I had to catch up, at least to be level with the animals, actually I had to even get to position myself with my camera suitable.

This was me after a chase of about 10 minutes. As I ran, I set the camera to reasonably appropriate values to get my wishful thinking: It had obviously once again be open screen (unfortunately only 5.6 In 200mm), and I need 1100 ISO to a shutter speed of 1 / 125 seconds to come, is insufficient when the image stabilizer to obtain a clear image. One of the deer stood still for a moment I sat down in the grass and took aim, as the animal looked short to me, and I could make my photo. He then ran immediately, and the group disappeared deep in the denser forest, where a second image was possible. I look forward to this day that I took the opportunity while I had so much luck. And by the way: Does anyone of you here noise at ISO 1100? Or is interested in such a photo at all? Also in view of the large-format prints of this picture I can not really claim that the noise plays a role! For me, a good example to the people not to go into the trap of looking for a magnifying glass to the last grain, and thinking that without super expensive cameras or even full size, one could make no useful photos.

Without the quick access to camera with a super zoom I would not get this photo. I had not had time to change until long lenses. I do not know if I use a large and heavy telephoto ever so quickly would have to follow the animal without scaring it. That said, I would of course have the money for the trip had not even if I had all spent on expensive lenses ... And instinctively I anticipated with my simple equipment for the right moment. Because I had crouched me, I have a much more interesting perspective on the animal's eye level captured, and the blurred grass in the foreground contributes to the depth of the image. At first I thought the individual blades of grass, which cut across in front of the deer bother, but would on the one hand I want to retouch in any case because they were now once there (my opinion about Photoshop arts you can read here ), and other hand, also support these blades of grass, the natural effect of the candid shot. Overall, this photo is a small reward and an incentive for me if I am once again annoyed that so many other situations in all planning and patience have been of no use, and emerged again in spite of all good preparation for a usable photo is. I would like that is not create the false impression that I long nose all manage to make good pictures (even if the rate increases slowly with time). Patience, practice and perseverance are very important tools, but a photographer. Do not believe the advertising of the camera companies, which promise you that will judge the right equipment but it already!

This brings us finally to today's action, and to my gift to you what I had already promised in the last post. And although I give away a poster of one of my photos, which I have shown in this blog already, you can find it in this previous post . The graphic image with the colored light strip from the Sicilian motorway tunnel may soon belong to you, in the format of about 40x54 cm! This size makes it really eye-catching as well, especially because of the dark and bright colors, it stands out beautifully on white walls. It is of course rolled and packed stable sent to you, if you're the lucky recipient. I would also like to mention that this poster of is. (I will not be sponsored by that company and has no other advantages.)

Now to the terms as you can get this poster gift from me:

  1. Add a comment this blog post.
  2. be included in your comment has a link to a photo of you created. (One of your images, you have somewhere on the Internet. You can also use a "One Klick Hoster" to specifically provide for this action, a picture on the Internet.)
  3. need In your comment you explain in a few sentences what meaning your picture for you, and why you chose it.
  4. need In your comment you indicate your initials and your postcode so I can clearly identify the recipient afterwards. (I would also like to join those that make it possible to have a google account, and I want to Of course not, that you must disclose your e-mail addresses or complete addresses public.)

Oops! Please note the fine print: Please do not send me mail! You can only participate via comments to this post. I decide by lot who will get the poster. My decision is purely random and therefore it is final. You get the poster as it is, and no warranty or claim option. The decision is final. You must have

posted no later than 02/08/2010 at 23:55 clock your comment, and a link to your photo has to work longer course, a few days, thus the reader of the blog, the pictures can look in peace. I will announce later this week after 02.08.2010 in the blog, who gets the poster. The lucky me has to be (but please only then, and I ask only this one happy man) his email address, and then of course the initials and zip code with the information in his commentary to match. I ship the package with the poster only in Germany, everything else is too expensive for me, sorry! Who wants to join and post a comment, recognizes all the above criteria to be irrevocable.

So, I hope it is all clear and you do with them all. I'm curious, what beautiful pictures we get to see! If you still have questions or comments on this blog post, you can get rid of them, of course, also like in the comments, I always try to reply as quickly as possible.

Hey, show me your favorite photo, please! Photography is all about the pictures, you know.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Free Gay Masterbation Games

second Bundesliga Schwerin

So, the fourth league match is over and has been for both our team and for me a success. But first things first ...
The race took place right in the city of Schwerin, there were 750m swim in the castle lake, 20km run on a 2.5 km lap and then ran 5km.
According to our good results from last week was everyone on the team optimistic and willing to show a similarly good performance.
The swim was very difficult, because the starting field did not really pull apart and I found myself up to the first turn at 400 meters in a group from the "there was no escape." Thank God, did but then a gap and I was able to exit a little swim forward. Thanks to a very rapid change and the wheel pressure of my team-mate Flo, who was swimming in my water, shade, we still managed to jump into the wheel group located in front of us.

Once there was equal power down the pace and organizes the Nachführarbeit, as the leading groups were not far ahead of us. Despite a slightly different inflection point at which the field in each round, almost completely to a halt after the odometer showed the 20km at an average of nearly 42km / h. It was also up to the second wheel group aufzufahren and go to 45 seconds behind 1st place to work. Here, too, I managed another good change, and so I could go well positioned on the final 5km. But then I have been brought vividly why this kind of competition is sprint distance. We ran off so fast that I have half a mile total was at the limit. I was at this time in a 5-man group and that I tried to keep it under all circumstances, but I just before the turning point "Let rip" at the halfway stage and had a weakness. Shortly before the end came for me, unfortunately, still a runner, and I could no longer set against it, so I came at the end of 31st place finish.

The rankings 2 for Eike, 28 for Andi, 30 for Flo and 31 we were in the team standings on the 4th Place to reach, thus confirming both our individual placement and the team placement of last week. Even though I have to get my target as the top 30 missed by one place, I am very satisfied with this match, because I was already half a swim and while running one minute faster than last year. Moreover, and this summary, I can after the last individual race in the 2nd pull Liga 2010 on, the places represent 29 and 31, a significant improvement compared to places 45-60 in previous years.

are now first 2 weeks off on the plan and the training is only for conservation and recovery after the first half of the season. As of August is then returned to hard training, for the upcoming highlights with the team sprint for second League in late August in Krefeld and then of course the German Cup on Schliersee must be properly prepared. Finally, I would like to show there again was ...

I wish you a sunny and warm summer,
Cheers ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Save The Date Birthday Examples

Hot Dance in Grimsby ...;-)

Last weekend I was back for PSV in the 2nd Bonn Bundesliga in use. It was a contest over the short distance, ie 1.5 km swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running. After the preparation has gone very well in recent weeks, I was very optimistic and wanted to show a good race. The external conditions were the high temperatures and very hard when you start to 13h, it was already well above 30 degrees.

My goal for the competition was first in the swimming tear finally something and the tips that had given me my training colleagues Guido and Ali to implement. That meant "Volle Kanne" to the first turn and then under all circumstances Keep feet of the front man has ...;-) worked out quite well and I was able to rise to 40th place from the water.

Cycling proved to be very hard. I was in a 10-strong chasing group and thanks to a unrhythmic while, but speedy driving, we could reduce our backlog, and came with just over a minute behind in the second transition area.

Running I am approached very cautiously, because the risk at the temperatures to coat and then break it is very large. Regardless, I will start to improve my position by position. The last two miles were really hard but then again, and I still am fairly received. Thank God I made it to the finish without me again someone has been obtained.

I was then already clear that this race but a whole class was better than my previous starts in the second League, but when I told my team leader then that I 29th I become, I was very pleased. My previous best ranking was number 41 and the top 30 were still quite a distance ...

In the team rankings, we were on that day with the individual rankings 1 (Eike), 22 (Andi), 29 and 42 (Flo) even third of what it is by the way the team's best result since a long time.

With this good result in the back I go tomorrow for a relaxed to Schwerin. There, on Sunday, the fourth round of the second Bundesliga instead of a sprint distance and I would like to repeat my result from last weekend but happy ...:-)

In this sense, a great weekend and a happy

Cheers ...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Example Letter To Priest For Marriage

survey: factors for a good photo?

The decisive moment, Costa Rica 2007

Update: The results of this survey are now stocked this post!

In the new poll, which has been running for a short time, I would like to ask you: What do you personally for the most important factors for a good photo? Is it more likely the technology and equipment, or it is what "look into" photographer or viewer into the picture? Can you even plan good photos? And what your respects because if makes your photos? In my opinion, it is worthwhile that we will cover, especially since for most of us soon pending a summer in which many images are produced.

two things that can definitely be also important factors that I have in my answers to the survey deliberately excluded: 1 The random and 2 The electronic image processing. Chance or luck play a role that is very often, not everything can be . Plan On the other hand, we do it we surely do not as easily say that we want to be photographers only arrive at the chance! That would be my opinion much too simple. Although I am pleased, if I unexpectedly by pure luck getting a good photo, but my goal is always to not be dependent, but to make aware of my pictures, and analyze why a particular photo "works" or just not. The second point, the electronic image processing on the computer, I have as a factor for a good photo is not included because I believe too much in image processing, "photo" no longer can speak. This I have already detail in a previous post discussed. I am talking in my survey of real photos and not by "digital art", in which case "art" to mean "artificial" with ... But just so we do not get me wrong: If a photo was taken digitally, is quite legitimately add a matching process, but in my opinion, this should be limited to a few essential elements, such as crop the image slightly to correct the white balance, contrast and Levels adjust fine sharpening etc.

Is that headline picture of this post a good photo? "Decisive Moment" is of course borrowed from the famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson that this Concept has greatly influenced. For him, just the crucial moment to be taken in many photos, otherwise the essence of the situation could not be detected or dargstellt. I have tried this on my trip to Costa Rica in 2007 when I sat with my Nikon D70s in a rocking boat. We spent the whole day geschippert through the maze of canals of Tortuguero and had sweated without end. The climate is really difficult for a Central European bearable 30 degrees Celsius in the shade, but still 95% humidity. The rain forest has requested a certain capacity for suffering! We only know from the tropical greenhouse. Well, that all the equipment mastered without defect. At some point in the evening we had our boat to sound out leaders in the treetops to "spider monkeys" (German name: spider monkeys) are needed to jump from tree crown to tree crown, and so the cross channels.

course we asked him immediately to position the boat so that we can get a look at this spectacle. This turned out to be, of course, not quite so simple, but finally he made it, when in fact a family of several monkeys successively moved across the channel on which we were passing. I had at the first sounds already tried to set my camera fits: I take pictures almost always aperture priority (ie, automatic time calculation by the camera), so I went to open aperture and ISO 800, to obtain a very fast shutter speed, and thus avoid camera shake by the boat and blurred by the movement of the monkey. Looking through the viewfinder was found that the camera is calculated when targeting the sky and the treetops times by 1 / 1000 second. That should be enough, I thought, and wanted to add a little extra exposure compensation (+2 / 3 stop maybe), because I was against the clear sky photographed and the cameras underexpose then usually because they are designed to expose all neutral gray. But it was too late for other settings, The monkeys jumped one went after the other, I made fast about 10 photos, which showed less than half a monkey at all, so quickly! Among the other images two useful and this one shown here, in my opinion were for the best. In the post I did have to brighten somewhat in the shadows, I have cut away a bit uninteresting margin, adjusted the colors and sharpened.

'm sure, I'm proud of this photo, but in my mind's eye I an even better: In this vision we see in isolation the monkeys completely from the green branches freely fly in the blue sky, and the branches extend only a little bit right and next to Image to provide the framework for the flight. But for this moment my camera was too slow, maybe I could repeat it with a super-fast modern SLR camera. On the other hand, it is difficult, so to duplicate a photo, our boat guide said at the time, just at the right time at right place to be to nice to shoot at the monkeys in the blue sky would not be repeated, we would have had very good luck .

Ah yes, here is the evaluation of the previous survey . I marvel not mean that the DMC-PL1 is clear in the first place, finally have probably just the readers of my reviews of the PL1 they either bought directly, or some new owners have ended their search for tips and tricks to her new camera at my side. The Panasonic GF1 is safe for a similar reason in second place landed there first, I had also tested (GF1) , and secondly because it was already available rather simple, and many photographers who are interested in a small portable solution had had direct access. The other PENs have no built-in flash, so many had rather wait and the other cameras from Panasonic are either too new or have not built through the viewfinder and the resulting greater design found so much encouragement.

Anyway, I had already announced that I am now increasingly wants to deal with the photos and less with the equipment. And I want you too, dear invite readers! Most of you have undoubtedly the right equipment for the summer together, so let us now look how good photos look like and how they come about. Write me your views in the comments and take part in the survey! You tell me you can also welcomes any suggestions and wishes, what you see next and want to read. Gladly you can also find a link to your favorite photo in the post comments, or a link to a photo, what for you constitutes a good photo where you say: "Wow, it just works!" In addition, I promise you now that in the next few days, a surprise waiting for you, I will provide one gift for you, You may be curious ...

Stay tuned for an exciting surprise! It's all about photos, you know. See you soon on this blog!