Friday, May 14, 2010

Best Entry Level Spotting Scopes

Viviman Berlin

Last Sunday I started the Viviman in Berlin. The race was the following procedure: First, a mass start was over 300m swim, 10km bike and 2km run. Then it was announced a little relaxation and at noon it was in a pursuit race again about the same distance. The winner of the mass could therefore be the first to start back on track, the rest of the field followed by the respective residue in the morning.
I had already mentioned that I did not know how right I was really on it and I was in the final days before the race, but plenty nervous. Saturday we went for a short swim training in the car and on to the capital. Once there, I've put together the running shoes again and am still a bit of trotting through the area around the drive from the legs to shake.
rang Sunday is already at 5 clock was ringing. Super Nasty! I will be time to submit a petition to the DTU. Start times should always be after 12 clock ;-)
at the venue then followed the usual procedure: pick up race packets and check-in, warming. Then we went to the swimming pool and after the warm up, it could finally go off.

The swim was great and 4.10 minutes after I ran over the timing. This meant that I lost only 12 seconds for the U23 world champion Franz Löschke. So I was very pleased because yet not too long ago I had the fastest there lapped ...;-)
Nevertheless, it is with the wheel group but still got pretty close. I was the last of which caught has ...
The cycling was really hard. 450m down the road, turning point, 450m the road back up, again turning point. And just because 40 people have come within 15 seconds from the water and wanted to defend their small lead sponsor has just gone full can. The last position in the one series that I get hold of me there was not the best position.
am So I have gone to work properly ironed, but I could still make up some positions and am at the end of the 27th have finished.
went to the finish again in the transition area for shoes, bike, helmet back in the right order for the second race to bring.

Clock At 12 we went on again. The swim was not as good because there was now some serious beatings. The wheel group was relatively safe but this time on the bike and it was also much better than the morning. When I was back to running reasonably well on the road and I ran the same time as in the mass start. Again, I was able to make up positions and so am in 20th overall and 12 the elite standings have finished. Because the race was generally occupied really strong, that's quite good.

Overall I am very satisfied with the race, especially in swimming since I finally had it with the race and when it came to not have placements in the first transition area vorbei war. Das macht mich sehr optimistisch für die kommenden Bundesligarennen. Radfahrtechnisch habe ich bemerkt, dass ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin. Da fehlt noch ein bisschen der "Rennrhythmus", aber das kommt noch. Der Laufpart war auch okay. In Anbetracht dessen, dass ich noch keine reinen Tempoläufe gemacht habe und das die ersten richtig schnellen Laufkilometer waren, war es doch viel besser als erwartet.
Der Weg stimmt also, da bin ich sehr froh drüber...:-)
In diesem Sinne verbleibe ich mit einem frisch-fröhlichen

Ach so, am 22.05. findet in Witten der Auftakt zur 2. Bundesliga statt. Da freu ich mich schon drauf, auch weil ich dann endlich wieder mit den can give guys from my team, gas ...


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