Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hair Tie Elastic Kandi

Test: Olympus E-P1 (Teil1a)

"Stop, Schtopp", Deut Chand 2010


first part of my reviews of the Olympus E-P1 that I posted yesterday, missing, of course, some positive features of the camera. Probably I have forgotten just because I make the camera so much fun and send me your use became so obvious that I lose about some nice things even a thought! So this is unfortunately all too often, we usually keep us anyway with more on the negative things that bother us, instead we keep the successful aspects in mind and to look forward.

Part 1a: Some more good things about the Olympus E-P1
or: The eulogy has another verse

In describing the practical handling of the PL1 I have forgotten the great quick-menu that you can call by pressing a key on "OK". I am so used to from my Olympus camera that I use it now almost blind. Sure, other devices have a good quick meal or even dedicated buttons for some settings, but that's no reason for it not be listed as positive for PL1. Because I also always use several cameras, I have learned to appreciate the fact that I remember any key positions must, but always with Olympus simply hit OK, and then a brief overview get all the important settings in which I can then make changes as I want. The deeper the main setup menu (which is on Olympus for my taste also achieved very good) I need hardly ever after I have after the camera purchase once the basic settings, such as focus priority or the limits of auto-ISO, etc.

Even the accessories I've forgotten something: the optional electronic viewfinder. It is intended for those who prefer to have the camera when shooting directly on the eye and the "monstrance" attitude with a view to the rear of the screen better all the world-tourist-Clippers Leave ... The viewfinder works perfectly the way, and leaves little to be desired, it is sufficiently large and bright and not too bulky. Personally, I like to do without him, because he just the camera but then again makes for a larger, and has also served me the good camera screen so far, almost always. If the camera directly in front of his face holds, but shoots across the screen "from the hip" photos, one is often much less conspicuous and can make authentic images without his motives to make the camera attention, and thus to destroy the moment . In general, the PL1 because of their small size, very very subtle and sometimes yes it has some advantages that it is underestimated by this small putative Knips box. Just imagine the contrary, before the intimidating mass of a conventional "big" DSLR, the best or grease with a zoom, and the entire monster is then before the face of the photographer and aimed like a gun at his victim - no thanks !
Another feature of PL1, which I cherish, is the little green focus box that you (almost) can freely move on the image. His size can be adjusted so that one can fairly quickly as well to focus on the eye of a person portrayed, without having to ensure that the AF but the nose or Ear has caught or anything else before or behind the person. You press on the back of the PL1 just the button with the magnifying glass and a green rectangle appears on the screen. Use the arrow keys, which are located around the OK button, you can now move this rectangle to the shot and there it is in focus, where it is located. If we reduce this focus rectangle still wants to increase the precision further, you just press the button again with the magnifying glass does, then enlarged the hole, and can now set about the Info button the zoom factor. I did that exactly once and put him to the maximum value 14-fold. Now I change in the daily operation only with a magnifying glass button to freely movable small green rectangle, and if necessary, the OK button to return to normal operation. As in the first part said: "If you describe something in words, it sounds much more complicated than it is in actual operation. I find it very well solved, come along well with it and am happy that I can set the focus area as beautiful fine, because then I really have full control over what exactly is provided by the camera focus. And that's when you crop the subject with the Panasonic 20mm/F1.7 really fun at open aperture.

So, I think this was really the first time with the many positive aspects of the Olympus E-P1. In not all, but some of these advantages make perhaps on other cameras, such as the Panasonic GF1. Please keep in mind however, that there is no question here first to compare the two cameras directly, I'm only at the end, the last part of my reviews of the PL1. And please consider also that there is still so great features are the PL1, that is changing so not because some of them are also found in other cameras! And I repeat: The PL1 is not perfect, but in this particular combination of many successful properties it is unique for me personally so far. But it actually is not completely perfect, and we will get the next part of this Test report view when it will go to the negative criticisms.

I'd like to say it one more time: I love this little PL1 and the pictures I take with it. But stay tuned for the dark side of it ...


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